Ann Yearsley, who lived near the Gorge on Clifton Hill, wrote the poem 'SONNET TO THE SAME, WRITTEN AT MORN, ON ST. VINCENT'S ROCK, BRISTOL HOT-WELLS', apostrophising the landscape:
1 The lamp of heaven in her last stage behold; 2 Salubrious dew yet trickles down the thorn; 3 The sheep-bell sounds not yet within the fold; 4 Weary the woodman sleeps, nor dreams 'tis morn. 5 Whilst on the forehead of the east is seen 6 One gem of infant light; do those afar, 7 Who wasted night 'mid gay voluptuous scene, 8 Healthful with me behold yon morning star? 9 Can wisdom's vot'ry like yon woodman sleep? 10 Or breathes he now the fragrance of the plain; 11 Or musing stray near the tremendous deep? 12 Or does he, Phoebus, raise thy sacred strain? 13 Where'er the child of thought reflects, with me, 14 Inspire him, tuneful god!---O raise his soul to thee!